Caring about your environment since 1960  
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Three Generations of the Sieverts Family are behind everything we do.


Summit heating has been helping keep Utah homes and businesses comfortable since 1960. Originally started in the 1940's with the arrival of Cody Sievert's Grandfather, Reed took over the heating business from his father in 1960 and Summit Heating was created. We are now growing as the third generation of the Sieverts family takes the helm of the company.

Since the company started with strong family values in mind, it has grown that way as well. Reed Sieverts has a great saying, "Right is Right!" and it is with this in mind that we continue the proud traditions of the company. We are commited to keeping the level of workmaship, quality and fairness that was begun more than 60 years ago. A great service for a fair price.

At Summit Heating we take pride in the way we choose to do business. We feel strongly that our customers deserve no less than the level of commitment and service that we would give to our own family. Every business is in business to profit, but we feel that this goal should not come at the expense of our customers or the level of service we offer. We are committed to our customer's satisfaction and stand behind our work . At summit heating, you are family.







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